Academic Information

School Information

The S R Nathan School of Human Development (NSHD) is a multi-disciplinary school dedicated to the applied study of inherent human potential across a broad spectrum of social disciplines. The School's teaching and research encompass the range of factors influencing the abilities of the individual, the family and the community. With programmes from Early Childhood Education to Gerontology, our interests cover humanity's sociocultural growth throughout a lifespan. Our work has the advancement of service at its heart, and this is especially manifested in such disciplines as Social Work and Counselling. Other programmes, such as Education, Human Resource Management, and Community Leadership recognise the dynamic relationship between the individual and the community as one that is transformative, and always with the extension of well-being as an imperative.

The School's vision of "Transforming Lives, Serving Society" is a tribute to the legacy of late-President S.R. Nathan. His contribution to Singapore's Social Service sector, the Labour Movement, as well as other nurturing professions, continues to inspire our dedication.

For more information, click here.

To find out more about your individual programme schedules, refer to the"Programme Schedule Tab".

School Information

The School of Business (SBIZ) offers various programmes designed to prepare managers and strategic thinkers for our highly competitive business world. Our curricula are designed to fit the needs of our students, incorporating real-life experiences and knowledge by bringing the business world into the classroom and the students into the business world. As our student, you will obtain new knowledge and pick up new skills, gain deeper insights into the processes in the business world, make new friends and form new bonds. Most importantly, you will develop to become graduates who are analytical, articulate and effective decision-makers, ready to face new challenges in the ever-changing business world.

For more information, click here.

To find out more about your individual programme schedules, refer to the "Programme Schedule Tab".

School Information

The School of Humanities and Behavioural Sciences (SHBS) offers a diverse range of programmes that will deepen students' understanding and appreciation of languages and literature, behavioural sciences, and translation. Our programmes develop practical, professional skills and specialised knowledge to help graduates achieve their life and career goals.

For more information, click here.

To find out more about your individual programme schedules, refer to the"Programme Schedule Tab".

School Information

The School of Law's primary focus is to train and produce lawyers for the practice of law in Singapore, particularly in the areas of criminal and family law. Its programmes adopt a pedagogical approach that emphasises problem-solving by combining the learning of substantive law with application. Together with exposure to cross-disciplinary areas, our graduates will be prepared to face criminal and family legal work that has become increasingly specialized over time.

For more information, click here.

To find out more about your individual programme schedules, refer to the "Programme Schedule Tab".

School Information

The School of Science and Technology (SST) equips students with the ability to harness technology effectively, with a focus on producing professionals who experiment with emerging technologies to discover disruptive solutions that will advance society. From IT and electronics to life sciences and human factors, our programmes provide graduates with the depth of knowledge and breadth of technological know-how to excel in careers that are dedicated to enhancing the quality of life through innovative new possibilities.

For more information, click here.

To find out more about your individual programme schedules, refer to the "Programme Schedule Tab".

CET Course Information

We offer a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary range of over 200 courses each semester, at both undergraduate and post-graduate levels. These courses come from our four schools:

  • S R Nathan School of Human Development
  • School of Business
  • School of Humanities and Behavioural Sciences
  • School of Science and Technology

This broad range of courses prepares you for the priority and growth sectors in Singapore's economy such as: Accountancy, Advanced Manufacturing, Applied Health Sciences, Biomedical Sciences, Construction, Early Childhood, Financial Services, Human Resource Management, ICT & Media, Logistics and Aerospace, Smart and Sustainable Urban Solutions and Social Services.

For more information, click here.

To find out more about your individual programme schedules, refer to the "Programme Schedule Tab".

Graduate Studies

The Office of Graduate Studies (GS) oversees the governing policies and facilitates the development of all graduate programmes in the University. In addition, GS also manages the multidisciplinary Master of Social Sciences programme and the Doctor of Philosophy programme.

Master of Social Sciences

The contemporary world is becoming more volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) than ever. Many real-world problems require a interdisciplinary approach to address. The Master of Social Sciences (MSSC) programme provides an unique opportunity for interdisciplinary education and career development, allowing individuals to integrate different disciplines in addressing contemporary issues and challenges in their profession, industry or the society-at-large. This programme will be especially suitable for candidates who are entrepreneurial and self-directed, charting a learning journey into the future of work.

Click here to read more about Master of Social Sciences programme.

Doctor of Philosophy

The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) programme aims to develop practice-oriented thought-leaders and applied researchers. It caters to those who wish to conduct applied research work that addresses issues and challenges pertinent to society, industry or professional practice. While students may choose to specialise in a specific discipline, researches that adopt an interdisciplinary approach are encouraged in view of the complexity of many contemporary issues and challenges.

Click here to read about Doctor of Philosophy programme.

To find out more about your individual programme schedules, refer to the"Programme Schedule Tab".

Institute for Adult Learning

The Institute for Adult Learning (IAL) is an autonomous institute of the Singapore University of Social Sciences. As the National Centre of Excellence for Adult Learning, IAL works closely with and supports Adult Education professionals, businesses, human resource developers and policymakers through its comprehensive suite of programmes and services on raising capabilities and catalysing innovations in Continuing Education and Training (CET). IAL also champions research in sustaining economic performance through skills, shaping employment as well as CET decisions, and developing innovations through learning technology and pedagogy to heighten adult learning.

For more information, click here.

To find out more about your individual programme schedules, refer to the"Programme Schedule Tab".

The College of Interdisciplinary and Experiential Learning

The College of Interdisciplinary and Experiential Learning (CIEL) develops and oversees the delivery of the SUSS Core Curriculum for all programmes in the university. Drawing on the expertise of its multidisciplinary faculty and specialists, CIEL harnesses interdisciplinary approaches and perspectives, and experiential learning, to prepare our graduates for complex and dynamic futures, allowing students to embrace volatility and capitalise on disruption to contribute to the betterment of the world we live in.

For more information, click here.

SUSS Core Signature Experience

The SUSS Core Signature Experience is grounded in:

  • Values, Skills and Knowledge
  • Singapore Perspectives
  • Industry and Community Partners
  • Global Learning
  • Service-Learning

What students can expect from the SUSS Core Signature Experience:

SUSS Core Courses

The SUSS Core courses enable learners to appreciate complex issues in local and global contexts, enhance their understandings of individuals, communities and relationships, and empower them to contribute meaningfully to society through interdisciplinary approaches and experiential learning.

For more information, click here or email:

Global Learning

Graduates with global perspectives are highly sought after by employers. Through curated Global Learning experiences and exchange opportunities, SUSS students can thrive as effective global citizens and be natural collaborators in an inclusive and sustainable world.

SUSS Full-time Undergraduate Programmes

As a full-time undergraduate, your Global Learning journey begins with the SUSS Core Compulsory course, NIE351 Interdisciplinary Global Learning. This course offers you the opportunity to engage with global communities and stakeholders in SUSS' network of international partners, allowing you to develop the tools and skills for intercultural engagement and collaboration to address significant global issues. Embark on a semester-long experiential learning programme with overseas travel to your chosen destination during the semester break.

Augment your Global Learning experience beyond NIE351:

  • Global Learning Flagship Programmes: Designed and curated by the team at Experiential Learning, engage in meaningful intercultural exchanges with fellow students and communities around the world. Check out the highlights from the Sociovation Forum 2023 here.
  • Overseas Summer School (OSS)/Overseas Winter School (OWS): Many overseas universities offer courses to international students during their vacation period in the summer or winter seasons. OSS/OWS offer rich learning opportunities, and you may earn credits towards your degree programme. You are strongly encouraged to apply for courses that add professional value to your academic achievements, and to pursue the experience with an open mind as you interact and engage with other international students. OSS programmes usually take place from May to August, while OWS programmes take place from December to January.
  • Overseas and Local Semester Exchange (OSEP & SUSEP): Immerse yourself for a semester at one of SUSS partner universities, local or overseas, while earning credits towards your degree programme. The semester-long immersion will provide rich opportunities for personal growth and development in the context of a different educational, social, and cultural setting. While on the programme, you will continue to pay tuition fees to SUSS and enjoy a waiver of tuition fees at the host university.

SUSS Part-time Undergraduate Programmes

SUSS part-time undergraduate students are welcome to apply for NIE351 Interdisciplinary Global Learning, Global Learning Flagship Programmes or Overseas Summer School (OSS)/Overseas Winter School (OWS).

For more information, click here or email:


Service-Learning is an integral part of the University’s learning ecology that prepares students for an active, fulfilling and meaningful life. Through an experiential learning approach involving collaboration with diverse stakeholders, Learning with Communities (NIE301), an SUSS Core course, empowers learners to navigate responsible action for real-world community impact. For students who are passionate about deepening community-prioritised good as a way of life, developing community leadership, and strengthening ties with community stakeholders, you can opt to engage in a variety of learning communities to hone and nurture these aspects of yourself to do good well.

For more information, click here or email:


The SUSS ePortfolio is a University graduation requirement for all Full-Time undergraduate students. It aims to develop every student to take on a holistic learning lens as they engage in self-directed learning. By showcasing a thoughtful selection of reflections, work samples and artefacts, learners can demonstrate the synthesis of their learning, critical thinking and growth from the myriad experiences with different stakeholders. Even beyond the time in SUSS, students can proudly showcase and develop their identity as a learner, citizen or emerging professional through this lifelong learning journey.

For more information, click here or email:

English Language Support

Core Learning offers various programmes to help enhance your English language skills. These include the English Proficiency Programme, Writing Coaches and Writing Workshops.

For more information, click here or email:

The Student SUcceSS Centre

The Student SUcceSS Centre (SSC) is committed to empower students in developing their personal and professional potential to achieve success in life. The Centre oversees student programmes and courses which are led by the Career Development (CD), Entrepreneurship (EN), and Student Life (STL).

For more information, click here.

SUSS Student Life (STL)

Maximise your personal potential through programmes offered by SUSS Student Life!

From outdoor education to wellness, explore the many opportunities available for you to develop and learn more about yourself.

Looking to be more involved with the SUSS community? Explore your interests and meet new friends through Interest Groups, compete and upskill through Sports Competition Groups, or learn to advocate responsibly for causes and enhance Campus Life through Advocacy Groups. Whichever platform you choose, it will help you discover your strengths, deepen specific skill sets, and develop your leadership abilities. Shape your SUSS experience by being involved in engaging programmes that aim to support, enrich and uplift!

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Sports Competition Groups

Leadership Video

SUSS Career Development (CD)

To prepare and upskill yourself for the VUCA environment, you can participate in a series of career-readiness seminars, workshops and consultation sessions conducted by the Career Development Office. We also curate Industry-Based Study Programmes to help you acquire work-relevant skills and knowledge. Leveraging on our close partnerships with the industries, coupled with your dedication and desire to be career-ready, CD will work with you on your journey towards a working professional.

Contact us:
CEL Portal: 

SUSS Entrepreneurship (EN)

SUSS Entrepreneurship creates opportunities for students to embark on an entrepreneurial journey for social impact, and provide them the resources, networks and tools to increase their chances of success. If you would like to explore entrepreneurship, check out our Impact Startup Challenge where students undergo an intensive bootcamp to test and launch their idea, solving problems in society or for the environment. If you would like to start your own business, the Venture Builder Programme helps students to develop their business with the help of industry mentors.

Contact us:

About SUSS Entrepreneurship

ISC Vietnam

Alibaba Cloud